Prom Sashes -
Ready to Ship
The supplier you choose can
make a great difference in the service and quality of the product you
receive. A local supplier usually will have a larger selection of
glassware and other prom favors available for your selection; a local
supplier can offer you other services, such as proof approval, samples
that you can see up close, and the prom-site delivery of your selections.
In the past, imprinted
glassware has been the traditional prom keepsake. In recent years,
however, some schools have been selecting alternative items because of the
mixed signals that wine glasses and beer mugs imply. One very popular
alternative is the imprinted picture frame, available in many styles,
which can be imprinted with the same copy as glassware. Many other items
are available, and it is strongly suggested that you discuss all the
possibilities with your prom supplier before any final decision is made.
Service from your prom
supplier is just as important as the quality of the items that you
receive. You should select a supplier who will work with your committee in
the selection of artwork, theme, and prom colors. Tap the supplier's
resources and expertise; ask to see samples of the items you are
interested in, rather that selecting your prom favors from pictures in
catalogs. This will help make your prom selections the best they can be
and avoid possible disappointment when your order is received.
Your committee
and your prom-favor supplier, working together, will help make your 2004
prom the best prom in the history of the school. Remember, a well run
event requires the efforts and cooperation of many groups of people.
You should
check out out Imprinted Photo
Key Tags .

Prom Sashes Ready to Ship

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Revised: 08 Mar 2016 19:12:51 -0500

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