Memory Book
Inside Page Samples
Here are some samples of inside pages of the memory book.
Some schools use original written material, composed by individuals in the
class or composed by groups of people. You can add some words from
your theme, a list of the Prom Committee, your school song, or an endless
variety of other items that would make the book special for your class
Verse 7-3
The Junior Class
Walter Central High School
(Artwork Logo)
Walter Town Park Clubhouse
Friday Evening,
May Fourteenth
Two Thousand and Sixteen
Verse 80-3
Among the best memories of
my ...................... year
It all began when ................arrived.
With a beautiful corsage of..................................
We left home at ........... PM
and .........................
As we entered the room we
heard ........................
Our favorite song was ......................
After we left the dance and went to
We arrived home at ....... am.
Verse 12-3
Senior Class Officers
President.....................Kevin Keppler
Vice President............. Jack Kellers
Student Senate Officers
President..................Michael Poppins
Vice President................James Kelley
Secretary.......................Michael Burke
Treasurer..........................Brian Helters
Ms. Elizabeth Mc Carthy
Mr. Thomas Sullivan
Mr. Robert Chesters
Verse NS 11
Fairfield Buffet
Mixed Green Salad w/ Two Dressings
Relish Tray
Cucumber & Tomatoes Vinaigrette
Barbeque Chicken
Burgundy Beef Tips
Penne Pasta w/ Red Sauce
Mashed Potatoes
Kernel Corn
Rolls & Butter
Coffee / Tea / Iced Tea / Milk
Iced Sheet Cakes, Cookies and
Verse NS 12
Friends Don't Let Friends
Drink and Drive
Attend the Annual Town
Post Prom Party
at the
Town High School
12:00 Midnight
(Doors close at 1:00am)
Don't Miss It!
Verse NS 19
To the Class of - 2016
Four years ago we entered high school
as a group of wide-eyed adolescents.
During those years we have experienced
joy, laughter, pain and sorrow. We've
made many friends and shared
countless memories that will last a
Now, as we've nearly completed
our journey, we've become adults -
Confident, brave and ready for
the road ahead. Thank you all
so much for the times together and
for coming tonight to be together
one last time before graduation.
Verse 18-3
Senior Class Officers
President.....................Timothy Kiewicz
Vice President..............Dianna L. Keller
Treasurer.......................Isfarel L. Keller
Secretary.................Lavonda P. Haertel
Sgt. at Arms..............Robert Westmister
Sgt. at Arms......................Ayana Greene
Gold & Maroon
Special Thanks To
Irving Samuels
for his ultimate guidance
and wisdom.
Verse 18-2
Board of Education
Mr. Jerome E. Poplaw
Mrs. Marian Bush
Mr. Raymond L. Carrol
Mr. James Dressl
Mr. Gerald Hicks
Mr. Leonard J. Lorenz
Mr. Leon S. Regen
Superintendent......Dr. Leslie B. Mulls
Principal..........Mr. Robert C. Dexterlo
Principal................Mrs. Chris Mc Carth
Assistant Principal.....Mr. G. W. Radka
Verse 16-4
Was she ready_____________________
What she wore_____________________
How she looked ____________________
Traveled in_________________________
Favorite song______________________
Doubled with_______________________
Post prom__________________________
Time arrived home___________________
Time he arrived______________________
What he wore_______________________
How he looked______________________
Favorite song_______________________
Day after__________________________
Arrived home________________________
Verse 18-1
Ode to the Seniors
We're gathered here among our
friends -
With whom we've learned to make
The evening of our prom is here
And school day's end is drawing near.
Tonight we'll laugh and dance and
When evening's coming to an end...
We'll form a magic memory
Of good times spent by you and me.
Verse 19-3
Senior Class Officers
and Advisors
President Kelly Galls
Vice President Renee Masters
Treasurer Eric Dalte
Secretary Michele Commertag
Advisors Mr. John Mc Masterson
Mrs. Barbara C. Keller
We would like to extend a very special thank you to SADD,
staff, faculty and the senior class for making the prom and breakfast a
memorable and joyous occasion.

Royal Sashes -
Ready to Ship
Verse 13-3
KING _________________________
QUEEN ________________________
The Queen's Court
_________________ _________________
_________________ _________________
_________________ _________________
_________________ _________________
Verse 13-4
8:00 P.M. Receiving Line
9:00 P.M. Dinner
10:00 P.M. Dancing
10:30 P.M. Announcement of the
Queen and Her Court
12:00 Midnight Final Dance
Verse 20-4
"Friends, Don't Let Friends
Drive Drunk"
Verse 14-1
Principal . . . . . Mr. William Bolgers
Ass't Principal . . Mr. Michael Jackson
Ass't Principal . . . . . . Mr. Robert May
Ass't Principal . . Mr. Ronald Williams
Junior Class Officers
President . . . . . . . . . Ann Paolini
Vice President. . . . . Keith Petterson
Treasurer . . . . . . . . Brian Latterme
Secretary . . . . . . . . Adriane Little
Faculty Advisor . . . . . Miss Peppers
Junior Homerooms
Mr. Paul Allagoram
Mrs. Kathleen Chipper
Mrs. Vala Denecke
Mrs. Mary Ann Gorski
Verse 9-2
A Special Note
From my Date
Poem to the Seniors
Visions in Gold
Tomorrow we part for worlds
for tonight we celebrate,
from whence we're grown
So let our tears, our fears, our woes,
be expelled
For the world we face,
is where others have excelled
This the night to be merry,
as our friends stand in line
To autograph in memory,
all the fun and good times
But when the apex of the night,
has at last been heard
Our separate ways we depart,
with consoling words
Verse 9-1
2 pages
As we say goodbye to the ones we know
Let us not forget friendship,
wherever we go
Let us not forget the ones who
skillfully taught us
And never forget the ones who
willfully brought us
So let us say goodbye to the
Class of ninety-six
And look forward to tomorrow
with this in mind
And our dreams, our visions,
all the treasurers we hold
Be engraved not in silver,
but in twenty-four carat gold.
Verse 12-4
The Blessing of Saint
Francis of Assisi
The Lord bless you and keep you!
The Lord let His face shine upon you
And be gracious to you!
The Lord look upon you kindly
And give you PEACE!
(Numbers - 6 : 24-26 N.A.B.)
Verse 10-4
We would like to sincerely welcome each and every one of you
to the 2016 prom at Topper High School.
Tonight is a very special evening for all of us since it will
be our last night together before graduation sends us on our separate
ways. We hope this will be an enjoyable event for you and that you will
cherish these memories forever.
-The Senior Class
Verse 4-2
Poem to the Seniors
Another year goes passing by
Another Prom is here
To some this brings a joyous smile
To others, brings a tear
For four years you have tread a path
From dawn to setting sun
But now the path gets steeper
and the climb is just begun
Were very glad to know you
Well miss you when you've gone
And to the class of 2016
We dedicate our prom
-The Juniors
Verse 4-3
Poem to the Seniors
On winged feet the four years pass
And now we honor our Senior Class
Beyond these walls, this town, this state
A whole new world lies in wait
You've much to learn, were often told
Wisdom to gain before you're old
But tonight before you turn and go
Your separate ways, as well we know
Enjoy this place, these hours, this school
In memory they'll return to you
Verse 4-4
We would like to sincerely welcome each and every one of you
to the Prom, at Wrightstown Senior High School. Tonight is a very special
evening for all of us since it will be our last night together before
graduation sends us our separate ways. We hope this will be an enjoyable
event for you and that you will cherish these memories forever.
- The Junior Class
Verse 6-2
We must live with ourselves, and so
We must be fit for ourselves to know;
We want to be able, as days go by,
Always to look ourselves in the eye
We don't want to stand in the setting sun
and hate ourselves
for the things we've
We want to stand with our heads erect
We want to deserve our
Verse 6-3
Fresh blossoms cast fragrance...
Soft melodies play;
Evening breezes blow gently,
It is springtime... Its May.
A strange air of mystery
Envelopes this night...
Every star is a charm...
Casting magical light...
In a velvety sky
Sprays of silver are strewn...
tumbling endlessly downward
As the light of the moon.
Soon the magic will end,
And the moonlight will go...
But this prom is forever
And Ill treasure it so...
Verse 6-4
The 2010 Senior Class
Smith Central High School
May 21, 2016
at the
Mc Kinley Park Inn
Mc Kinley, New York
Arrival/Pictures..............6:30 - 7:30pm
Dinner............................7:30 - 9:00pm
Dancing........................9:00 - 12:00am
Entertainment by:
Explosion Sounds
Verse 7-1
Class Advisors
Mr. Scott Hall - Head Advisor
Mrs. Patricia Dobinski Mr. Donald Pearce
Mr. Chester Durka Mrs. Judith Siekierski
Mrs. Kathy Hooper Mr. Rodman Brocklyn
Mr. Robert Jakubowicz Mr. Jack Zast
Class Officers
Daniel Herko.............................President
Tracy Krawczyk............Vice President
Melissa Jeitler.......................Secretary
Tammy Ervolina.......................Treasurer
Senior Prom Committee
Mica Cacciatore John Mrozik
Nicole Gargano Jodi Peters
Lisa Giarrantano Sherri Reider
Donna Hartung Lisa Saleman
Amy Liederhouse Lisa Simpson
Michelle Mc Farland Paula Werelus
Amy Mikowski Mike Wiegert
Lynn Wilczewski
Verse 2-1
We would like to welcome each and every one of you to the
2016 Prom of Smithtown Central High School. This is a very special evening
for each of us since it will be the last night together before graduation
sends us on our separate ways.
We would like to thank the
administration, faculty and staff for all
the things they have done for us. Enjoy!
God bless you!
Verse 2-2
Senior Class Officers
President Sue Smith
Vice President Sam Jones
Secretary TinaSmith
Treasurer Jimmy Jones
Mr. Lin
Green & Gold
Class Motto
We met as strangers
We leave as friends
We hope to meet again
So our friendships may never end
Verse 2-3
Last Will and Testament
Mr. Able bells that always ring
Mr. Barnhart A quiet study hall
Mrs. Commert Memories that live
Mr. Doad A supply of gerbil food
Ms. Effert A winning team
Mr. Foxtrot A clean lunchroom
Mr. Gipple All the latest best sellers
Miss Henderson A class not tardy
Ms. Irwin Fund raisers always
Mr. Jack Decorations for the audi
Ms. Kibbert Class speaks French
Mr. La Manaca Supply of candy
Verse 3-2
Our magic moments
fade to memory
And this enchanted evening
now is oer
But all our joy and happiness
will be
Enshrined within
Keepsake evermore
In years to come, how fondly well relive
These happy days with those
Whom time now parts
Teachers, friends and classmates
All whose names
Are written on these pages
And on our hearts
Verse 3-3
Tis here at last, this night of nights
Sweet music, dancing, soft dimmed lights
So laugh, and sing, all hearts be gay
Recall, remember, each past school day
Let us pause from our dancing
remember the past
Our share of memories, always will last
Lifes beckoning call, tomorrow well meet
But tonight well hear only soft dancing
These are our memories
Our High School years
Our time we shared, our joys and our fears
This night together, will be our last
Farewell to you My Senior Class
Verse 3-4
The soft music, and lights low
Our last dance with friends we know
The merry voices and spirits light
Overflow the sorrow with fun tonight
May God help you keep the
courage of the quest
And hope the roads last turn
will be the best
And when the night has ended
Only a memory will last
Of the glorious evening past
Verse 4-1
Poem to the Seniors
May the word of God direct you
To do the things you should
To live your life unselfishly
To know and choose the good
And may the richest blessings
That Heaven can bestow
Be with you now and always
No matter where you go
Verse 19-4
A faithful friend
is a sturdy shelter:
he that has found one
has found a treasure.
There is nothing
so precious as a
faithful friend,
and no scale
can measure his
Sirach 6:14-15
Verse 20-1
2006 Prom Committee
Chairman: Tod Kellman
Jennifer Barrett Melissa Comberlin
Cynthia Datter Renee Fether
Charlene Laster Sue Merchant
Mark Nickelson Margaret Opperheim
Lynn Paccionni Patricia Peters
Heather Rath Shelaine Righter
Sandy Westhofferer
Special Thanks to:
Angela Kellmann
David Willimsons
For their unending
help and patience
Verse 20-2
It's not easy trying to fit the feeling of an entire year
into one night. Yet, to me, that's the purpose of the prom. It represents
what we've done and felt for one another all year.
My committee and I have worked for and with you to make this
evening everything it should be. From the opening song, "This is the Time
to Remember", to " Never Tear Us Apart", our theme, we have attempted to
touch each of you in that special way that makes our school so different
from any other. If you leave tonight with a good feeling, we have
In the years to come, we hope you will look back on this
evening with fond memories. Have a wonderful time.
Verse 14-2
We would like to welcome
you to the Leesville Junior Prom.
We hope that your evening
is memorable. The years are fading
fast so
"Hold on to the Night."
Verse 10-3
Senior Class Officers
President....................................Rob Grass
Vice President...............Shawn Mc Niffs
Secretary......................Jeanne Radmont
Treasurer.....................................Kris Salts
Advisor....................................Mrs. Mappi
Prom King........................................
Court ....................................................
Prom Queen.......................................
Court ....................................................
Verse 16-2
Prom Committee
Jim Kelly
Co-chairperson Fred Smerlus
Mr. Wilson
Mr. Gorski
Decorating Committee
Member Dinese Griffin
Member Mary Coumo
Member Nancy Regan
Member George Bush
Student Council
President Bob North
Vice President Faith Hall
Julie Smith
Treasurer George Armstrong
Advisor Mrs. Kennedy
Ms. Carter
Verse 11-2
Thank You
We would like to thank everyone who put forth the extra
effort to make this magical evening possible. We would especially like to
extend our most sincere thanks to our advisors, Mr. Kenneth H. Kelly and
Miss Elizabeth Symak for their time and patience. Without their time and
support, this event would not have been possible.
Thank You!
Verse 10-1
Thank You
The Senior and Junior Classes would like to extend their
appreciation to the chaperons, and especially to Mrs. Eileen Mc Mahon,
whose time has made this evening possible.
Verse 17-2
My Life Began
He was There
Throughout the years
of broken bikes
and toothless smiles
he was there
Time passed
and phones rang
and boyfriends came
Yet with a smile
he was always there
Tears were shed
and laughter was shared
as memories were made
and he was there
Now, as I look back
in love and admiration
I know he was always there for me
and always will be
Is there any wonder why
my heart belongs to Daddy?

Prom Sashes Ready to Ship

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Revised: 08 Mar 2016 19:52:18 -0500

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