Imprinted Napkins
Add foil
imprinted napkins to your Memory Book order for $22 per hundred. These five inch by
five inch, 3 ply, folded (unfolded size is about ten by ten inches)
Beverage Napkins are available in ten different colors. They are
imprinted with the same design as your Memory Book cover and may be
imprinted in any contrasting foil color (see foil imprint colors).

Colors (from top row left to
right) Ivory, Green, Black, Teal, Red,
Mauve, Blue, Purple, Pink, Red,
If you prefer to have the napkins imprinted with a
different design than your Memory Books (or, if you are not ordering
Memory Books), there is a $15 setup charge.
If your imprint is the same as the Memory Book there is no setup charge.
Colors of napkins may be mixed in quantities of 100.
To order Imprinted
Napkins, see our Order Page.

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Revised: 08 Mar 2016 19:53:00 -0500

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